Monday, July 22, 2019

Mystery actor

[Click for a larger view.]

No, it’s not Steven Pinker, though there is, I think, a resemblance. Do you recognize this mystery actor? Leave your best guess in a comment.


Here’s a hint: the mystery actor is known for his work with a sesquicentennial musical. Among other things.


The answer is now in the comments.

More mystery actors (Collect them all!)
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  1. Had to put the brightness all the was up. Big guess Robbie Benson.

  2. No, not he. I should point out that the graininess and darkness are built in.

  3. Yes, that’s Christopher Guest in Girlfriends (dir. Claudia Weill, 1978).

    It’s funny — when I think these are easy, they turn out to be hard, and vice versa. I thought this one was easy. I’m glad you got it, George.

  4. My other half and I both got it right away... we were just discussing him today while driving back across the country!

  5. I hope there are more movies coming. But we’ll always have Blaine.


Play fair. Keep it clean. No potshots and no derailing. Thanks.

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