Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Starring Joe Namath et al.

[Click for a wider and longer play.]

This dramolette (a word I’ve borrowed from Robert Walser) draws on commercials that play incessantly on MSNBC and the PBS NewsHour, with Joe Namath, Jimmie Walker, George Foreman and family, Tom Selleck, and the “Change in plans!” guy.

A related post
“Change in plans!”

comments: 7

J D Lowe said...

For a minute there I was reading Jimmie Walker as Johnnie Walker and started to think maybe Joe was having some sort of 'event'. A hilarious dramolette - eagerly awaiting more.

Seth said...

“Not only is he named the 5th, he took the fifth!” is perfect. Very funny!

Michael Leddy said...

Jim and Seth, I’m glad you enjoyed this scene. I started making it up after dinner and Elaine said I had to write it. Maybe there’ll be more.

Eizabeth said...

Is the "Change in Plans" guy wearing a toupee? Is anyone's widow's peak that wide? Is that why his hair is mysteriously thicker than his wife's, and is that why everyone humors him--because he's so self-conscious about his hair loss?

I have questions. I am also eagerly anticipating the next chapter.

Michael Leddy said...

Ha! I think it’s his hair — the side view when they’re imagining loft life looks like real hair to me. But like George the Fifth, he’s keeping mum.

Fresca said...

So fun! Once again you show your talent for fanfic--in this case, of commercials.

Michael Leddy said...

These cartoon-spokespeople make it easy. Mayim Bialik: “I’m an actual neuroscientist!”