Monday, July 8, 2024

Fran Lebowitz at the Morgan Library

“When you look at manuscripts or letters and they’re written in the hand of the writer, you are closer to that writer, you’re closer to the person”: Fran Lebowitz looks at manuscripts and letters at the Morgan Library.

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comments: 4

Fresca said...

Hey, I just this morning hand wrote a note to you, Michael.

Michael Leddy said...

Great, I’m looking forward to seeing it (also, to reading it).

Joe DiBiase said...

Some years ago I saw a special exhibit at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame where there were a number of the original, hand-written lyrics of Beatles' songs on display. Next to the original paper (envelope, scrap of paper, etc.) was an enlarged poster of the actual paper. When one stood in front of the poster, the recording of the song played from a speaker above. I did feel closer to the Beatles when I saw that display. This is an example.

Michael Leddy said...

I know just what you mean — that’s the way I felt looking at a note from Proust to his housekeeper. The thing itself!

Interesting that John wrote “In my life I’ll love you more.” The change to “I” before “love” makes a better lyric, no?

All of this just made me remember a great handwriting exhibit at the Morgan Library a few years ago: