Thursday, July 18, 2024

Separated at birth

[Lee Marvin and Jerome the Giraffe. Click either image for a larger view.]

Steven Hall suggested this frankly unsettling pairing. But who am I kidding? When I see these two side by side, I cannot help laughing.

Everyone knows Lee Marvin. Jerome the Giraffe appeared on the CBC children’s show The Friendly Giant (1958–1985). The show had some American distribution as well: Elaine watched on Boston’s WGBH. As Steven points out, YouTube has an episode from PBS Wisconsin.

The Lee Marvin connection is apparently not a coincidence. Man and puppet do sound similar. Steven suggests listening to this clip. And he mentions a “You Know You’re a Canadian When” list that included something like this: “you feel nostalgic for a man who hangs out with a hyper-kinetic rooster in a bag and a purple and orange giraffe with a sleepy-Lee-Marvin voice.”

I’ve drained the purple and orange and everything else from Jerome to make the photographs more uniform.

Thanks, Steven, for some unexpected amusement.

Related reading
All OCA “separated at birth” posts (Pinboard)

comments: 4

shallnot said...

Both YouTube links point to the PBS one.

Michael Leddy said...

Oops — now fixed. Thanks.

Stephen said...

"Look up, look waaay up." That's how I recall the show beginning. And that brick portal where Jerome appeared was in the now closed CBC Museum.

Michael Leddy said...

I just watched a bit. The same gentle feeling as Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood.