Tuesday, July 2, 2024

HCR on Donald J. Trump v. United States

Heather Cox Richardson, in the July 1 installment of Letters from an American :

At his confirmation hearing in 2005, now–Chief Justice John Roberts said: “I believe that no one is above the law under our system and that includes the president. The president is fully bound by the law, the Constitution, and statutes.”

In his 2006 confirmation hearings, Samuel Alito said: “There is nothing that is more important for our republic than the rule of law. No person in this country, no matter how high or powerful, is above the law.”

And in 2018, Brett Kavanaugh told the Senate: “No one’s above the law in the United States, that’s a foundational principle…. We’re all equal before the law…. The foundation of our Constitution was that…the presidency would not be a monarchy…. [T]he president is not above the law, no one is above the law.”

Now they have changed that foundational principle for a man who, according to White House officials during his term, called for the execution of people who upset him and who has vowed to exact vengeance on those he now thinks have wronged him.

comments: 4

Linda Sue said...

new laws, new rules, new strategy. Couldn't Biden use this as well - to rid the earth of the orange plague? Biden is still president last time i checked.

Michael Leddy said...

HCR: “As legal commentator Asha Rangappa pointed out, the court gave itself the power to determine which actions can be prosecuted and which cannot by making itself the final arbiter of what is ‘official’ and what is not. Thus any action a president takes is subject to review by the Supreme Court, and it is reasonable to assume that this particular court would not give a Democrat the same leeway it would give Trump.”

So I guess he’d have to take care of the Supreme Court first. Look out, Clarence! Et al.

Sean Crawford said...

Sounds like the court giveth immunity, and the court taketh away.

So much for my daydream of Biden going to the Supreme Court, while being accompanied by the Surgeon General to talk of sports fitness, with a big 6 on his boxing gloves, and smacking a certain justice to the grunting of "presidential... immunity."

Michael Leddy said...

Sounds pretty official to me. :)