Wednesday, July 17, 2024

“Churches and synagogues” (Project 2025)

Just one sentence from the foreword to the Project 2025 Policy Agenda:

We cannot outsource to others our obligation to ensure the conditions that allow our families, local communities, churches and synagogues, and neighborhoods to thrive.
“Churches and synagogues”: that’s conspicuously limited phrasing. But it’s not surprising in a document that refers to the “Judeo-Christian tradition” and to time and a half pay “for hours worked on the Sabbath.” “God ordained the Sabbath as a day of rest,” the document says. But the default Sabbath, no surprise, is Sunday.

More inclusive: “places of worship.”

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comments: 6

Fresca said...

Also, so clunky—ripe for rewriting!

We cannot outsource to others our obligation to ensure the conditions that allow our families, local communities, churches and synagogues, and neighborhoods to thrive.

“We cannot expect others to shoulder our obligation to help our families, places of worship, and communities thrive.”

“It is our personal obligation to help our communities thrive.”

Michael Leddy said...

It’s pretty ponderous, I agree. I think what they really want to say is that the gummint needs to stay out of our lives. (Except when it comes to controlling bodies and sexuality.)

Fresca said...

Yes, my clean-up isn’t getting at the point.

Michael Leddy said...

Don’t outsource yer obligation, Fresca. :)

Fresca said...

I’ve been thinking about it. Is this better?
“We do not need (and we will not accept) interference
in our right to control our families
and the places of worship where the Bible is heard.
Locals only.”

Michael Leddy said...

Locals only!

I guess their point of view means they don’t need traffic lights, trash collection, snow removal, etc. DIY!