Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Goodbye, goo.gl

At Daring Fireball, Jon Gruber reports that Google is shutting down its URL shortener. After August 25, 2025, links with the form http://goo.gl/*/ will no longer return results.

Gruber asks,

How much money could it possibl[y] cost to just keep this service running in perpetuity? Tim Berners-Lee wrote his seminal essay, “Cool URIs Don’t Change” back in 1998. It’s bad enough when companies go out of business, taking their web servers down with them. But Google isn’t struggling financially. In fact, they’re thriving.
I’ve used the Google URL shortener on the cumbersome links for pages in Google Books. Where are those shortened links? Scattered somewhere in these pages. Oh well.

comments: 2

Joe DiBiase said...

I'm an Android user, and had for years used Google Podcasts to listen to the many podcasts to which I'm subscribed. Alas, Google Podcasts is no more and I had to migrate to a different podcast player (ugh!). Same goes for the Google Domain service.

Google kills many products, and even more bewilderingly, changes product names and branding frequently. Google Graveyard

Michael Leddy said...

I’ve never forgiven them for ending Google Reader. The blog-o-sphere (I can’t take that word seriously) has never been the same.