Monday, July 15, 2024

“One set of eyes” (Project 2025)

Here’s another excerpt from the Project 2025 Policy Agenda, this one from the foreword:

We want you! The 2025 Presidential Transition Project is the conservative ‌movement’s unified effort to be ready for the next conservative‌ Administration to govern at 12:00 noon, January 20, 2025. Welcome to the mission. By opening this book, you are now a part of it. Indeed, one set of eyes reading these passages will be those of the 47th President of the United States, and we hope every other reader will join in making the incoming Administration a success.
Despite Donald Trump’s know-nothing disavowals, there’s ample evidence of his campaign’s deep ties to Project 2025. (His name appears on 194 of the policy agenda’s pages.) My point in posting this passage is that the project’s creators are themselves explicit about those ties, in the first paragraph of the first page following the acknowledgments.

Why “these passages” and not “this document”? Perhaps because these people know that Trump would never read the whole thing.

P.S.: You don’t want me.

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