Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The Blogger comment form

Google has tinkered, unannounced, with the settings for the Blogger comment form. Thanks, Google. Your choices as a Blogger blogger:

~ With “Full page,” it’s impossible to see a post while commenting without switching between tabs.

~ With “Embedded,” comments look (to my eye) godawful. The line spacing is too tight (and, as far as I can tell, cannot be altered), text is awkwardly justified, and clicking on a Comments link takes the reader to the bottom of the comment form. Dumb. “Embedded” does have the advantage of allowing a comment to nest as a reply to a previous comment. But that detail doesn’t offset (for me) the ugliness.

~ “Popup window” provides decent readability and keeps the post in view. That’s what I’ve chosen for Orange Crate Art. [And as I discovered after writing this post, “Popup window,” too, allows a comment to nest as a reply to a previous comment.]

In all three formats, the option to preview a comment before posting is gone. Proofread carfully!

Why not comment today and take “Popup window” for a spin? Watch that window pop.

[“Proofread carfully”: in my teaching days, something I liked to include on pages going out with essay assignments.]

comments: 5

Chris said...

Where do you see these three format options, Michael? Is this something you choose in settings or should I be seeing options when I submit a comment? (I don't.)

J D Lowe said...

Testing, testing, one, two, one two :-)

Michael Leddy said...

Chris, the options are for the owner-operator to choose from. They’re in the Blogger settings, under “Comment location.” You have to click on those words or whatever is displayed directly underneath to see all three choices. I’ll revise the post to make it clearer that the choices aren’t for the reader.

Jim, it’s working! Over and out.

Slywy said...

I like the popup — much better than the old system.

I've left some comments in the last month and hilariously can't remember where (what posts) or what they said. A couple ended up being from Anonymous because it wouldn't let me log in via Google/Blogger.

(In two days I will have forgotten this comment.)

Michael Leddy said...

I'm realizing just now though that on a mobile device there's no popup, just a new tab.

If you're in Safari, you have to allow cross-site tracking to sign in with a Google account. I have the same problem with leaving comments elsewhere.