Saturday, August 17, 2024

Seeming and appearing

Peter Baker of The New York Times on MSNBC just now, when asked about Donald Trump’s assertion that the Presidential Medal of Freedom, a civilian honor, is “much better” than the the military Medal of Honor, whose recipients are often wounded or dead:

“Yeah, I mean, look, you know, he has continually and repeatedly said things that seem to denigrate military service.”

Hearing Baker’s response made me notice the evasion in his paper’s characterization of Trump’s remarks:
Mr. Trump’s remarks follow a yearslong series of comments in which he has appeared to mock, attack or express disdain for service members who are wounded, captured or killed, even as he portrays himself as the ultimate champion of the armed forces.
Has appeared to?

comments: 2

Anonymous said...

legalese wiggle words!!! allegedly! in other words, "we don't really want to say that he doesn't blah, blah, blah."

Anonymous said...

I’ve always thought of The NY Times as a fair and honest paper. What the heck happened to it?