Thursday, August 1, 2024

Dalmatian or sardine

Joseph Turner White (Philip Seymour Hoffman), novice screenwriter, has a question. Ann (Rebecca Pidgeon), bookstore owner, has an answer. From State and Main (2000), screenplay and direction by David Mamet:

“You ever wonder why the Dalmatian’s the symbol of the firehouse?”

“First organized fire department was on the border of Dalmatia and Sardinia in the year 642.”

“That’s why the Dalmatian?”

“It was either that or a sardine.”
Like Ann’s earlier avowal to an inquiring bookstore customer that Jesse James was Henry James’s brother, this one has no basis in reality.

Related reading
All OCA sadine posts (Pinboard) : Firefighting in ancient Rome (Wikipedia) : Dalmatians and firefighting (Wikipedia)

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