Thursday, August 22, 2024


We were in the cookie aisle, where the Nabisco man was bent down stocking the shelves. “Oh, you’re right where we’re need to be,” one of us said — something like that. And the Nabisco man reached up and handed us two boxes of Lorna Doones.

“That’s exactly what we need,” said I.

“Really?” he asked. “Two?”

“Yes,” said I. And I added that while Lorna Doones seem to get little attention, they are excellent cookies. He agreed, and he added that Lorna Doones are the cookies he has on the shelf at home.

It’s four little Lorna Doones a day for me. “I’ll fly to the moon for a Lorna Doone.”

comments: 3

Anonymous said...

here's some advertising

Anonymous said...

i love lorna doones!! when i worked for a defense contractor, two of us would race to see who would get the last package in the vending machine. and definitely one of the most underrated cookies!

Michael Leddy said...

A scrappy little cookie since 1912 (!). That link goes to a bakers' publication from 1922.