Monday, August 26, 2024

Curb your introductions

Larry David is widely credited as having introduced Cheryl Hines and Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

[Scene: An upscale restaurant. Wanda Sykes appears in the distance, walks toward Larry David. ]

Sykes: Larry David, you should be ashamed of yourself.

David: What? What did I do?

Sykes: Don’t act like you don’t know what you did. Why’d you go and introduce that little girl to that anti-vax worm-eaten bear-pranking whale-beheading no-account plug-ugly drug-addict conspiracy-ass Trump-flunkie?

David: Because it seemed like a good idea at the time?

Sykes: A good idea? That’s your idea of a good idea, Larry? Shame on you, Larry David.

[She begins to walk away. ]

David: [With stentorian patriotic fervor. ] But he’s a Kennedy! He’s a Kennedy!

[Cue “Amusement.” ]

Related reading
All OCA Larry David posts (Pinboard)

comments: 2

Joe DiBiase said...

A Kennedy, perhaps, but definitely not spongeworthy.

Michael Leddy said...
