Monday, August 19, 2024

Extra strength

From Rachel Cohen’s A Chance Meeting: American Encounters (New York: New York Review Books, 2024), the story of a present, from Marcel Duchamp to Joseph Cornell:

It was a readymade, “done on the spot.” Cornell was almost beside himself with pleasure at how cleanly and swiftly Duchamp had made his present. He had picked up a red-and-yellow glue carton that said “strength” on one side and, admiring the American phrase, had written “gimme” above it and then signed the whole “Marcel Duchamp,” dated Christmas 1942.
On Saturday morning Elaine and I went for a walk after reading about Cornell and Duchamp. And where a road ended and a path through a meadow began, I saw this tiny Tarot card, 1 3/8″ × 13/16″.

You can see Duchamp’s gift via Google Books.

Related reading
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comments: 2

Fresca said...

Wow… Did you pick up the Tarot card and take it home to collage?

Michael Leddy said...

Just to photograph. It went into the pocket at the back of my Moleskine planner.