Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Domestic comedy

“His /ant/ or /ahnt/ was there — I’m not sure which.”

Related reading
All OCA domestic comedy posts (Pinboard)

comments: 5

Joe DiBiase said...

Definitely "ahnt." But I grew up in eastern Massachusetts.

Michael Leddy said...

I’m afraid I pronounce it without much of a “t” at the end. It’s apparently called t-dropping.

Elaine W. said...

Ant! I had one Aunt, five--or four-- Great-Aunts (depending on whether you count in-laws) and four Uncles plus three Great-Uncles The family lines have dwindled. Only six first cousins by blood, four still living....all of us old.

Michael Leddy said...

Me: three aunts, two great-aunts, no pretend aunts, a category of relation that drove me crazy when I was in high school: “But she’s not yer aunt!”

Michael Leddy said...

Make that three great-aunts, one of whom I met exactly once.