Monday, August 26, 2024

Actual NYT opinion column

[The New York Times, August 26, 2024.]

It’s by Rich Lowry, editor of National Review.

And what does that photograph signify about the DNC? That it was entertainment? Or garbage? If I hadn’t unsubscribed from the Times last Wednesday, I think I’d be unsubscribing today.

comments: 6

Anonymous said...

i have finally stopped laughing enough to make a comment. and what character would that be: the one where he makes fun of people who are older, disabled, veterans, poor, immigrants, etc? sometimes i just want to ask what drugs is the nyt on because obviously they are having a great time on it.

Michael Leddy said...

It’s just amazing to me. I grew up with the Times — the only paper in our house, so I read the comics only on occasional Sundays with my Daily News-reading grandparents. In Boston, I bought the Times every Sunday. When we moved to Illinois, I wondered how I’d get along without it. Now I know. : )

Sparky said...

Amen sister!

ChasM said...

Yay! You finally did it. I was a dedicated subscriber from 1990-2021, and I just couldn't believe how bad it had gotten. Things started sliding during the W years when they dropped their style. Remember in the 90s when you could practically predict how many paragraphs in a supporting fact would appear to wrap up the headline?
You won't miss it.

Michael Leddy said...

My paying stretch ran sixteen years. You — thirty-one years! Looking at the front page with new eyes, I see how much of the paper is just clickbait for people with more money than I’ve got.

Anonymous said...

The cracks started appearing during the run up to Iraq. I was working on a film om London in 2002, and the Harold-Trib was publishing the skeptical views, the Rumdeld is nuts stuff. But the NYTwas Gung ho. After that I always felt their opinions were skewed and news reporting went downhill.