Sunday, December 5, 2021

Another Brooklyn candy store

[4302 12th Avenue, Brooklyn, New York, c. 1939–1941. From the NYC Municipal Archives Collections. Click for a much larger view.]

One block up and one block over from us, this candy store was still standing in the 1960s, when it was called Pup’s, or Pup’s Luncheontte. The Pup’s of my childhood seemed to be something of a dive, a hangout, a joint. I think the Horton’s privilege sign was then long gone. I have a vague memory of buying a pretzel rod from a container on the counter. By the 1980s, Pup's had been converted for residential use.

Thanks, Brian, for finding this joint.


December 12: A comment on the public Facebook group Old Boro Park mentions a story that the name was supposed to be Pops but was misspelled. Another comment mentions Pup’s as appearing in Saturday Night Fever (dir. John Badham, 1977). It doesn’t. But in the movie, a car crashes for revenge into the large building right next to Pup’s, 4304–08 12th Avenue. You can see that building in these two tax photographs: 1, 2. In the movie you can see the original PUBLIC MARKET lettering, covered up in the earlier tax photo, partly covered in the later tax photo, covered up again in recent years.

After the crash and the fight that follows, Tony and company drive off on 43rd Street, going the wrong way on a one-way street. (Hey, it’s a movie.) You can see the intersection of 12th and 43rd in Google Maps.

Four more candy stores
4417 New Utrecht Avenue : 4319 13th Avenue : 94 Nassau Street : 4223 Fort Hamilton Parkway

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