Sunday, October 14, 2018

Main Streets

[Zippy, October 14, 2018.]

In the final panel of today’s Zippy, Griffy proclaims Main Streets “th’ antidote to strip mall America.” I love it. As Elaine will attest, I still fantasize about coming across a thriving downtown in some long-lost midwestern city. The closest we’ve ever come to it was in Jackson, Ohio, though that wasn’t close enough for me. Not downtown-y enough. Not Twilight Zone-y enough.

There’s a clue to location in today’s strip: the yellow sign reads “Waureg . . . otel.” That’s the Wauregan Hotel in Norwich, Connecticut. Here’s a view of Broadway from Griffy and Zippy’s perspective. Sigh.

Related reading
All OCA Zippy posts (Pinboard)
Main Street, Hackensack, New Jersey

Old barber, old joke

“I eat thin spaghetti, so I don’t get fat”: Anthony Mancinelli, 107, is the world’s oldest barber.

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Another headline

From the New York Daily News: “Cultured klepto who swiped painting worth over $1,000 in the Bronx wanted.”

A painting worth over $1,000 in the Bronx? And in the other boroughs?

A possible revision: “Wanted: cultured klepto who swiped $1,000 painting in the Bronx.” I think it’s safe to omit “worth over.”

This post marks the first and (I hope) last time I’ll have reason to type the phrase “cultured klepto.”

A related post
A garden-path Daily News headline

Today’s Saturday Stumper

Today’s Newsday Saturday Stumper, by Frank Longo, was tough. I stared and stared, and now and then a word suggested itself as right. I finished in forty-seven minutes — after practically going to sleep with quandariness, as Frank O’Hara might have, if he had tried this puzzle.

Three clues that I especially liked: 8-Across, six letters, “Racket clubs.” 22-Down, six letters, “Scorch with pans.” 47-Down, five letters, “David : Milhous :: Delano :     .” That last clue is not especially tricky, but it’s quietly disorienting. And it woke me up.

No spoilers; the answers are in the comments.

[“After practically going to sleep with quandariness”: from the Frank O’Hara poem “The Day Lady Died.”]

Sardines in the comics

Today, in Rhymes with Orange.

Friday, October 12, 2018

“Like winter”

[Nancy, October 3, 1953.]

At least kinda like winter: 36° this morning. Elaine and I will reenact this scene when we go for a walk in the near near future.

Related reading
All OCA Nancy posts (Pinboard)


Our granddaughter Talia turns one year old today. So big! She is talking the talk (da, ma, &c.) and walking the walk (sixteen steps in the direction of a blasé kitty). Talia is also teething the teeth. She is a lover of books, a sharer of toys, an investigator of everything, and an aspiring comedian. E.g.: when someone is feeding you, grasp spoon in mouth. Do not let go.

Big hugs to the birthday girl and her mom and dad.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

A meeting of the minds

Another step toward what I call the reality-TV-ification of everything: today’s Donald Trump–Kanye West meeting. Here’s a transcript of some of what West said.

How glorious to have two proud non-readers of books in the Oval Office at the same time.

[Yes, Kanye West is on record as “a proud non-reader of books.” Donald Trump says that he reads “passages,” “areas,” “chapters.” Not books.]

The art of the deal

I noticed this Wall Street Journal story by chance: “Walmart Cuts Online Video Deals in Bid to Become Entertainment Hub.” And in the summary that follows: “First up is a remake of Mr. Mom.”

Our culture is in good hands.

Mystery actor

[Whoever he is, he’s making his screen debut.]

That’s Zohra Lampert in the background. She stars in this Orange Crate Art post. But who’s the guy? Leave your best guess in a comment. I’ll drop a hint if needed.


8:30 a.m.: No hint needed. This actor’s identity may be found in the comments.

More mystery actors (Collect the entire set!)
? : ? : ? : ? : ? : ? : ? : ? : ? : ? : ? : ? : ? : ? : ? : ? : ? : ? : ? : ? : ? : ? : ? : ? : ? : ? : ? : ? : ?