Monday, October 17, 2022

“The old Internet”

Marie LeConte misses “the old Internet.”

comments: 4

Fresca said...

Ha, ha, the old, pre-smartphone days of "blogs that they read on their home computers"--That's us!
(My first (now deleted) blog was 2003.)

Michael Leddy said...

I said to Elaine this morning that one of the things I best liked was finding the solution to a tech problem on “some blog.” Not nearly as easy now with the ubiquitous search engine.

Anonymous said...

so agree with this article. i remember finding some really interesting stuff on the internet way back in the late 90s and early 2000's.

two that are still stuck in my head:

photos from people who snuck into Chernobyl at night and posted them online. photos that most likely no longer exist online. i was totally fascinated by the photos and the people who did it.

a competition held among some guys (of course!) in the midwest who tried to see who could come up with the quickest way to get charcoal lit for barbeques. some of them involved their local fire departments but were so fun to read.

that's what i miss!


ps and yes the internet does seem to become more and more about attractive people and people who don't seem to have a single brain cell in their head or are unable to think but can only spout misinformation

Michael Leddy said...

I’m most disturbed by the celebrity-villains who seem like characters from a bad movie.

But others of us are still here. : )