Friday, October 28, 2022

Mary Miller, on it

Representative Mary Miller (R, IL-15) continues to use her official Twitter account to warn parents about the danger of fentanyl in Halloween candy. The warnings tie into the claim that we have an “open border.” “These pills are deadly, and parents should be vigilant and carefully check their child’s Halloween candy this year,” she warns in her latest tweet on this topic.

This year? Mary, a good parent checks the candy every year.

But the fear of fentanyl in Halloween candy is, according to a toxicologist and addiction specialist, “a moral panic.” And a scholar of urban legends calls Halloween fentanyl just that — an urban legend, like razor-blade-filled apples. See this The Washington Post article: “The media and the Halloween ‘rainbow fentanyl’ scare.”

Meanwhile, Mary Miller has said nothing about the attack on Paul Pelosi today and the conspiracy-driven mindset that prompted it.

Related reading
All OCA Mary Miller posts (Pinboard)

comments: 6

Anonymous said...

or how about the simple suggestion of know where your children are getting their candy from? i don't think that many parents send their children out alone anymore nor do they tend to go in their neighborhoods much anymore instead opting for going around at the mall.

it's simply another way to put fear in people.


Michael Leddy said...

Exactly. She stokes fear of an imaginary other.

Anonymous said...

i just saw this story which is by someone who has been tracking the halloween scares for some time:

"What seems new about describing rainbow fentanyl as a Halloween danger is the willingness of important political figures and news media outlets to spread the warnings. Most past claims about Halloween sadism lack such prominent spokespeople."


Michael Leddy said...

Ah! He’s the scholar of urban legends who’s cited in the Washington Post article.

Miller chooses her “causes” carefully. Here she casts herself once again as protector of children. (See also her ludicrous campaign to protect girls’ bathrooms.) When no one gets killed by fake candy, I imagine she’ll be able to claim some credit for alerting the public. No matter that no one received fake candy to begin with.

Chris said...

I hope and trust that Rep. Miller will show a similar level of concern about things that actually do kill significant numbers of children, like firearms.

Michael Leddy said...

I’m citing this Forbes article in yet another letter to her.

A curious thing: her husband runs a father-son camp several times a year. Shooting is involved. But: “For the safety of all participants, you may not bring your own weapons to the rifle range.”