Saturday, June 11, 2022

Spelling fail

[Beetle Bailey, June 11, 2022. Click for a larger view.]

In the words of another comic strip, “Good grief!”

[Beetle Bailey, June 11, 2022. My correction. Click for a larger view.]

I can think of two possible explanations other than a plain old mistake on the assembly line. Perhaps the strip’s makers feared that the correct spelling would look wrong to their readers. Or perhaps the mistake belongs to Sarge. “O solo mee-o”?

A few other troubling Beetle Bailey posts
Bathrooms : Fingers : Ketchup : Pillow : Razors : “Some rocks” : Squirrels : Toilet bowls

comments: 1

ChasM said...

Or, because the Sarge is eating alone, "A Solo Mee-al."