Sunday, February 28, 2021

Where have all the Chessmen gone?

On a lighter note this grey morning: I’ve written to Pepperidge Farm about the disappearance of chess imagery from its Chessmen cookies. No, it’s not so-called cancel culture; the name still ends in -men. But there’s not a chess piece in the package. Here’s what I’ve written:

I’m a big fan of Pepperidge Farm products and have been for years. I remember PF cookies back when the packaging featured old-timey engravings on the side. My question: why do Chessmen cookies now have no chess pieces depicted? I see a sun, a house, a plant, and a watering can. The cookies taste just fine, but where did the chess pieces go? And how can the cookies still be Chessmen?

These questions are idle, but they’re also genuine. Thanks for your reply.
I hope to share a reply. But if they just send coupons, I’ll keep them for myself.

Later today: I noticed the words “Seasonal Prints” in the bottom right corner of the package. “Would you call that fine print?” I asked Elaine. “No.”

Related reading
A handful of Pepperidge Farm posts


  1. As soon as I saw the title, the Peter, Paul and Mary version of the song popped in to my head!!!

    One would think they would want to capitalize on chess cookies!


  2. I know — The Queen’s Gambit, right?

    I had Pete Seeger running through my head. His song owes something to a Russian folksong.


    ^^^that is what popped into my head! And now i want a bag full of cookies.

  4. I can’t say I blame you. Pepperidge Farm cookies are good stuff. Don’t get me started on their Cinnamon Swirl bread. :)


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