Monday, October 1, 2018

Throwing ice

Reading the New York Times story about Brett Kavanaugh’s behavior in 1985 in a New Haven bar, how I wish that my senator had asked Kavanaugh the question I suggested: “Have you ever assaulted anyone?” I don’t think there’s much question that throwing ice in someone’s face constitutes assault, however minor. A “No” would have been perjury, no?

[Notice what the police report says: “Mr. Kavanaugh didn’t wanted [sic] to say if he threw the ice or not.”]

“I got into Yale”

Joe Pinsker, on the “I got into Yale” defense:

It should go without saying, but there are all sorts of bad actors who have attended prestigious universities. The convicted insider trader Raj Rajaratnam, the former Enron CEO Jeffrey Skilling, and the convicted killer Lyle Menendez were all admitted to Ivy League institutions. The Unabomber, who killed three and injured 23 with letter bombs in the ’70s, ’80s, and ’90s, went to Harvard. That doesn’t mean that Kavanaugh is among them, but it is a reminder that attending a prestigious school isn’t in and of itself revealing of anyone’s moral character in any direction. It is telling, however, that Kavanaugh pointed to his credentials when trying to prove his own.
[Newsweek reports that at Yale, Kavanaugh was a legacy.]

Mystery actor

[Click for a larger view.]

He’s making his big-screen debut. Do you recognize him? Do you think you recognize him? Leave your best guess in a comment. I’ll drop a hint if needed.


9:02 a.m.: That was fast. The mystery has been solved in the comments.

More mystery actors (Why not collect them all?)
? : ? : ? : ? : ? : ? : ? : ? : ? : ? : ? : ? : ? : ? : ? : ? : ? : ? : ? : ? : ? : ? : ? : ? : ? : ? : ? : ?

Booth (box) blight

“The newest phone boxes are sleek looking, Wi-Fi connected stands with touch screen maps and electronic signs that flash at passersby while also, privacy advocates say, harvesting data from their phones”: The New York Times reports on a telephone booth (box) blight in London.

A related post
Repurposing the British phone booth

Otis Rush (1935–2018)

“A richly emotive singer and a guitarist of great skill and imagination, Mr. Rush was in the vanguard of a small circle of late-1950s innovators, including Buddy Guy and Magic Sam, whose music, steeped in R&B, heralded a new era for Chicago blues”: from a New York Times obituary. NPR has an excellent extended feature on Rush’s music.

I think (too often) of what Skip James is reported to have said: “Most of the old heads are dying off. All the old musicianers and music philosophers are going: their time has come.”

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Domestic comedy

“I want to try the Glenlivet and the Glenmorangie together to decide which to buy more of.”

Glen or Glenda.”

Happy anniversary to my partner in domestic comedy, who thought of the movie title — snap, just like that. Happy anniversary, Elaine.

Related reading
All OCA domestic comedy posts (Pinboard)

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Today’s Saturday Stumper

Today’s Newsday Saturday Stumper, by Matthew Sewell, is challenging. It begins on a baffling note: 1-Across, four letters, “Mississippi constituents.” It moves on to a couple of giveaways: 5-Across, three letters, “Roller coaster restraint”; 8-Across, six letters, “Leader of the Trojans.” And then it goes back to being difficult.

My favorite clue in today’s puzzle: 33-Across, fifteen letters, “Triple hedge.” When the answer fell into place, I smiled. In second place: 33-Down, eight letters, “Boom alternative.” When that answer fell into place, I smiled again. No spoilers; the answers are in the comments.

Friday, September 28, 2018

Kavanaugh loses the Jesuits

“For the good of the country and the future credibility of the Supreme Court in a world that is finally learning to take reports of harassment, assault and abuse seriously, it is time to find a nominee whose confirmation will not repudiate that lesson”: the Jesuit magazine America has rescinded its endorsement of Brett Kavanaugh.

“Do you think that Brett Kavanaugh
is telling the truth?”

Watch and listen as two survivors of sexual assault, Maria Gallagher and Ana Maria Archila, confront Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ). An excerpt:

Archila: Senator Flake, do you think that Brett Kavanaugh is telling the truth?

Aide: Thank you.

Archila: Do you think that he’s able to hold the pain of this country and repair it? That is the work of justice. The way that justice works is you recognize hurt, you take responsibility for it, and then you begin to repair it. You are allowing someone who is unwilling to take responsibility for his own actions, unwilling to hold the harm that he has done to one woman, actually three women, and repair it. You are allowing someone who is unwilling to take responsibility for his own actions —

Reporter: Do you want to respond?

Archila: — to sit in the highest court of the country and to have the role of repairing the harm that has been done in this country to many people.

Flake: Thank you.
I’m disgusted. I’ve admired Jeff Flake for some time, especially after listening to This American Life’s 2017 story and 2018 episode about him. Not anymore. As one of the women who confronted him says, “Saying ‘Thank you’ is not an answer.”


And now: “Senate Panel Approves Kavanaugh, but Flake Wants F.B.I. Investigation Before Final Vote” (The New York Times.

[I’ve made small corrections to the Times transcript. The protesters have been identified, and the Times has added their names to the story.]

Purees and spelling lessons

[Zippy, September 28, 2018.]

At first I smiled. Because Talia! (Purees.) And then I thought, “Shouldn’t that be liquify ?” No, it should not. Merriam-Webster calls liquify a variant. But Garner’s Modern English Usage says that “*liquify , which predominated till about 1750, is now considered a misspelling.” Garner gives the liquefyliquify ratio as 8:1.

Comics are not just purees and spelling lessons. I also noticed the wet tray, bottom right. Realism!

Related reading
All OCA Zippy posts (Pinboard)

[The asterisk marks an inferior form.]