Monday, July 4, 2022

Mary Miller has tweeted

For contrast: here’s what my gun-loving representative in Congress, Mary Miller (R, IL-15), tweeted today. This tweet appeared hours after the murders in Highland Park. No other tweets have followed:

The tweet is online, for now. But in case someone has the after-the-fact sense to take it down, here’s a screenshot:

I cannot help seeing the fireworks behind her as gunfire.

And what is this language about “our statues, our monuments” meant to suggest, Mary? Oh wait — I know what it’s meant to suggest. And what do you mean by “our liberty, and our history”? Does that liberty include the right to end an unwanted pregnancy? Does that liberty include the right to be who you are and use the bathroom that fits who you are? Does “our history” include the past that you and your allies want to eliminate from public education? Oh wait — I know the answers to those questions too. And as for God-given rights: if they exist, I do not believe that they include the right to carry weapons of war in everyday life.

There’s something about Mary.

Related reading
All OCA Mary Miller posts (Pinboard)


  1. She is really something...

  2. And how. I read somewhere someone who characterized her as “Marjorie Taylor Greene without the charm.” I’d say also Marjorie Taylor Greene without the brains.


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