Monday, July 11, 2022

Bust = flood?

From Talking Points Memo, “GOPer Cites Successful Drug Bust at Border as Proof Biden Allows Drugs to Enter US”:

It’s not super clear how a drug bust in which more than 10,000 fentanyl pills were seized at the border (as reported by Michael Humphries, the [Customs and Border Protection]’s area port director of the Port of Nogales) proves that the President is unleashing a flood of drugs into the country.
The GOPer in question is our own Mary Miller (IL-15), still outdoing a box of rocks for dumbness.

Related reading
All OCA Mary Miller posts (Pinboard)

comments: 2

Anonymous said...

Say, what?????

How does a drug bust equal a flood of drugs into the country?

Has she ever been to a port to see how many shipments come into this country every day?

I hate to tell her but that was most likely a small shipment that they found. And surprise, that is not the only way they come into the US. But that doesn't mean the President is unleashing a flood into this country. Someone should remind her that under her favorite President they were also coming into this country!


Michael Leddy said...

Yes, they were. And when she complains about an “open border,” she never acknowledges the legitimate travel across borders that happens every day.