Friday, February 11, 2022

WJM Mongols

It’s always a treat to see an Eberhard Faber Mongol on camera. These screenshots are from the first season of The Mary Tyler Moore Show. The first two: from “Second Story Story” (January 23, 1971). The last two: from “Smokey the Bear Wants You” (February 27, 1971). Pretty strong evidence that the WJM newsroom was a Mongol newsroom, at least for one season.

[Mary Richards (Moore) has a Mongol. Ted Baxter (Ted Knight) doesn’t. “I never write anything,” he brags in season two..]

[Murray Slaughter (Gavin MacLeod) has a Mongol.]

[Lou Grant (Ed Asner) has a Mongol.]

Elaine and I began to wonder whether the newsroom had more than one pencil. Was WJM an a Mongol newsroom? The next screenshot answers that question.

[Click any image for a larger view.]

So they had at least two pencils.

Elaine: “They probably had a whole box.”

I’m not sure if the Mongol appears beyond the first season. Four episodes into season two, it’s nothing but Ticonderogas and no-names.

Related reading
All OCA Mongol posts (Pinboard) : I envy Mary Richards

comments: 2

Anonymous said...

not sure what kind of pencil this is?

Michael Leddy said...

It sure looks like a Mongol. A color photo would clinch it.