Friday, November 5, 2021

Reading in NYC

“Even in the busiest of places, if you have a good book, you can retreat into solitude”: photographs of people reading in New York City (The New York Times).

Browse the titles where possible. I spotted the same 1959 paperback edition of Jacques Barzun’s Teacher in America that’s on one of my bookshelves.

comments: 3

Chris said...

I love the photo of the spinner full of dull study and career guides with a copy of The Weavers Song Book tucked into the bottom pocket.

Michael Leddy said...

I liked that too. And I liked the Planning Your Career cover — I have something with a similar cover somewhere (McGraw-Hill?)

I know you know book stuff — so those racks are called spinners?

Chris said...

Yes, that's a spinner. In the old days publishers used to offer them free or at low cost to bookstores (not to mention drugstores), with the implicit or explicit understanding that they would be used for that publisher's titles. A company like Schaum's would have supplied one big enough for their outlines; a mass-market company like Fawcett would give you one that fit "rack-size" paperbacks. One of the companies I worked for had a snazzy one for Penguin Classics.