Sunday, January 17, 2021

Help wanted

Annie Karni, writing in The New York Times: “The statement released Monday by Mrs. Trump was also rife with grammatical errors and typos.” Have you read it? Jeez.

I like this sentence from the Times article: “It was not clear who helped Mrs. Trump draft the statement.” Help!

comments: 4

Fresca said...

Really, why didn't someone help her?

Not actually an error, but "I am grateful to you all for letting me serve you on platforms which are dear to me" made me think...

Imelda, is that you?

Michael Leddy said...

Oy — apostrophe errors, punctuation errors, sentences that derail. Plus some of it was lifted from a previous statement. Put her on the next plane to Mar-a-Lago!

Oh — wait.

Pete said...

Oh, the poor victimized First Lady, target of gossip. Once again, a tragic event isn’t about the victims, but instead is all about the Trumps. (Apparently narcissism is as much nurture as nature.) And what’s up with capitalizing “nation”? I mean, at least she refrains from using all caps, unlike her husband, but still...

Michael Leddy said...

I’d guess that she's following her husband's lead with the self-pity and the capital N. Just three more days.