Tuesday, August 4, 2020


I recall Kelly Bundy (Christina Applegate) making a similar mistake, minus the possessive, in an episode of Married . . . with Children. I believe she said /ˈyō-zə-ˌmīt/. And yes, it was a laugh line.

Bonus: sequoias , also mispronounced.

comments: 4

Frex said...

Yo! Semites.
That'd be hilarious, if it were on purpose...

Frex = Fresca

Michael Leddy said...

Perhaps he’ll insist it was. The Semites, after all, are known for their sequoias.

Slywy said...

I give you Thighland.

Michael Leddy said...

Sad! I like the idea that mispronunciation never merits mockery, because it means that someone learned the word from reading. Here, I think the mispronunciation is due to not reading, or not reading carefully. He’s phoning it in, with his mental powers in decline, and perhaps in a medicated state.