Tuesday, August 25, 2020


Elaine and I just made the mistake of turning on the television. And there she was. Within seconds, we said “North Korea.”



Screenshot, the next morning:

[Click for a larger, still more autocratic view.]

comments: 5

Fresca said...

Bring on the tanks?

Michael Leddy said...

“Don’t bother, they’re here.” (Sondheim.)

The Crow said...

Lord, the shiver that ran down my spine and back up again when I enlarged the image! All I could think of was one of those B-grade science fiction movies where the human slips her skin to reveal the viper inside.

Never saw her that way before, and now cannot un-see it.

Michael Leddy said...

And now I’m seeing it too. Before it was just autocracy. Now it’s sci-fi alien autocracy. Yikes!

The Crow said...

I bet the flags hanging behind her were made in China.