Sunday, June 2, 2024

Slim’s Radio Service

[Madison Avenue between 118th and 119th Streets, Manhattan, c. 1939–1941. From the NYC Municipal Archives Collections. Click for a much larger view.]

Quite a variety of establishments in this stretch of Madison Avenue: a grocery store, Sun Shine Lunch, Slim’s Radio Service, a fish and vegetable market (“Fresh Fish Daily”), and Ebenezer Spiritual Church. I chose this photograph for Slim’s, which might be at 1820: there are few photographs and much ambiguity for this stretch. I like Slim’s signage.

The Municipal Archives’ online materials have been reorganized: tax photographs now seem to be searchable only by address, not with the block and lot codes preserved in the photographs themselves. And the photographs are now available sans watermarks. I’ve posted an especially large version of this one: if you click for the larger view, you‘ll see many details.

Related reading
More photographs from the NYC Municipal Archives (Pinboard)

comments: 4

Anonymous said...

Good choice

Michael Leddy said...

I think of him as the first name in radio service.

Anonymous said...

1822 madison ave

Pilgrim Holiness Church

Michael Leddy said...

If so, then Slim’s is 1820.