Thursday, June 6, 2024


From The Late Show: the company of Illinoise perform Sufjan Stevens’s “Jacksonville.” Sufjan‘s 2005 album Illinois (so spelled) is one my favorite things, and “Jacksonville” in particular is dear to my fambly and me. This performance moved me in a way I didn’t imagine.

Get well, Sufjan.

Two more Sufjan Stevens posts
“Casimir Pulaski Day” : To: Miley Cyrus From: Sufjan Stevens

[I’m adding some words from “Jacksonville” to the sidebar.]

comments: 2

Sean Crawford said...

Strange. Despite the history books, I sense the average Canadian has trouble believing that one of the five beaches was solely Canadian. Like how the average American, despite charts and statistics, has trouble believing the economy is better under Biden.

I used to have a copy of Mauldin's wartime cartoon book, now I only have a copy of (I think) a postwar collection. Earnie Pyle, (also mentioned by Snoopy) wrote of Mauldin in his book. When Pyle was killed, I hear servicemen in the Pacific grieved more than when Roosevelt died.

Michael Leddy said...

I know you meant this comment about the Schulz cartoon post. I knew that many nations’ militaries were part of D-Day. I didn’t know that Canada played such a major role.

Years ago at a party I met a man who had been part of the aerial forces on D-Day. I asked to shake his hand. I’ve never forgotten that.