Sunday, June 30, 2024


[70 East 102nd Street, Manhatttan, c. 1939–1941. From the NYC Municipal Archives Collections. Click the second image for a much larger view and some choice details.]

The vagaries of the archives: that first photograph, an outtake, misidentifies the lot number. I’m not sure how I found my way to the second photograph. I just traipsed the streets.

What’s that stand of apples doing there? Or are they tomatoes? Or plums? Did the photographer put the stand there for fun? Perhaps at the grocer’s request? I would like to know if the stand appears in a photograph from the opposite side of the street, but photographs from this street are few.

Golden Bantam is a variety of corn. I can find no evidence that it was ever a name for an apple (or tomato, or plum). The mystery deepens.

I chose these photographs for the fruit, but when I checked Google Maps, I realized that I know this location, at Park Avenue and 102nd Street, from a movie and from life.

Related reading
More photographs from the NYC Municipal Archives (Pinboard)

comments: 2

Anonymous said...

Crate might say "California fresh tomato"

I spot a distant chicken in the poultry store window

Michael Leddy said...

I played with the contrast and see California Fruit Growers Exchange running down the support. A topsy-turvy POWER runs across the box holding the mystery fruit.

I missed the hanging chicken. There’s also a chicken in profile on the sign: [Initial?] BLUM’S POULTRY MARKET.

Elaine says that the Hebrew words in the left window — כשר כשר — signify Kosher Kosher.