Monday, June 3, 2024

Zippy noir

[“Gumshoe.” Zippy, June 3, 2024.]

Beautiful noir art in today’s Zippy. Complete with the Venetian-blind effect.

Related reading
All OCA Zippy posts (Pinboard)

comments: 6

J D Lowe said...

Saturday's "Almost Chet Baker" 'stuck' a chord with this model builder...

Michael Leddy said...

And with my friend Stefan Hagemann, an Elvis Costello fan.

Stefan said...

Here’s Mr. Costello talking about the song and his friendship with Mr. Baker. Costello has sometimes been controversial, but I admire his generosity and affection for other musicians, which is on display here and in everything I’ve read by him:,for%20whom%20it%20was%20intended.

Michael Leddy said...

I just found the scene from Let’s Get Lost on YouTube. The Tokyo performance is there too. Wow to each. I was afraid that one of the idiots (E.C.’s word) in the audience was going to mess up the one in the film. But no — they’re even hesitant to clap at the end. A rare moment.

J D Lowe said...

Thanks for the link and the YouTube tips. Coincidentally I've been listening to a lot of Elvis Costello music the last few days. I didn't know about the Baker-Costello connection and am glad I do now.

Michael Leddy said...

I knew about their connection but had never heard this song before the comic strip.

Here’s a link to the strip at the Zippy website for future reference: June 1, 2024.