Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Vertigo, up or down

From The Washington Post: Vertigo is still the best movie ever. Or the worst movie ever. Discuss.” The writer, Ty Burr, leans toward “still the best.” I think so too — it’s been my favorite movie for many years. Dream, need, obsession, sheer weirdness: what’s not to like?

Vertigo was a second date for Elaine and me, when the movie was re-released in 1984. I remember vividly that someone in the audience screamed in fear at the end. A real scream, in real fear. And then the movie was over, and everyone had a giddy laugh, including the screamer.

Two Vertigo posts
Scottie and Midge : Nancy and Sluggo and Vertigo

[“Someone in the audience”: not Elaine, not me.]

comments: 10

ChasM said...

I'm a down, for the record. I never really got into Hitch's late-career films starting with Suspicion, Psycho and NxNW excepted. The Freud-of-it-all is just too much. Marnie was the worst.

Michael Leddy said...

I think I’m with you on Marnie.

Fresca said...

I didn’t like Vertigo when I saw it.. forty years ago.
I should rewatch it and see if my old-person opinion is different.
I don’t recall exactly why I didn’t like it—
something about the womenfolk (or is it just one)
being so hysterical?
I wish Hitchcock had made more female heroes like the girl Charlie in Shadow of a Doubt, which in my memory is a far better movie.

Joe DiBiase said...

"Vertigo" is a top-5 for me. The acting, directing, pace, plot ... all of it!

Michael Leddy said...

Fresca, I’ll bet you a nickel that if you watch it again, you’ll think it’s Scottie who’s the hysterical one. : )

Shadow of a Doubt is one of my favorite Hitchcock films. I must’ve watched it at least a dozen times.

Joe, what else is in your top five?

Joe DiBiase said...

In no particular order:
Dead Poets Society
The Godfather & The Godfather, Part 2 (I'm cheating and counting these as 1 movie)
Silence of the Lambs
Rear Window

Followed closely by:
The Usual Suspects
2001: A Space Odyssey
Forrest Gump
Blade Runner (the original, not the remake)

Michael Leddy said...

Judging by what I’ve watched the most, I’d say Vertigo and (in no order) The Apartment, The Best Years of Our Lives, Marty, and Shadow of a Doubt. But I think I have to kick Marty out and replace it with an Almodóvar — either Pain and Glory or Parallel Mothers.

Fresca said...

Ok, Michael, I accept your nickel challenge—
I’ll try Vertigo again.

Five favorite movies, off the top of my head:
Seven Samurai
Solaris (1970s original)
Star Trek II & III ( a 2-parter) Wrath of Khan & Search for Spock
To Have and Have Not (Bogart & Bacall)
Holiday (Hepburn & Cary Grant)

Fresca said...

PS Favorite Hitchcock and in my top 100 favorite films:
“Notorious “.

Oh, a few more favorites—from way back in my life:
Room with a View
Harold and Maude

Fresca said...

(I do like The Apartment but not a top favorite.)