Thursday, May 4, 2023


St. Louis sushi, so-called, is a plot point in this week’s episode of Somebody Somewhere. St. Louis sushi is, of course, not sushi: it’s pickle, cream cheese, and ham. “Kinda good but kinda gross,” says Sam. This food item is more commonly known as Lutheran sushi, Minnesota sushi, or prairie sushi. I suspect that the writers chose “St. Louis” for its s sounds and the rhyme of lou and su.

Here are some thoughts from within the Gateway City itself about the series and the “sushi.” Caution: there are spoilers.

I’ll say it again: Somebody Somewhere deserves a much larger audience. It’s terrific.

comments: 6

Geo-B said...

It's funny, we had people over for a brunch of bagels, lox, cream cheese, onions, capers, outisde. They finished the lox, and I've been eating bagel, onion, capers, onion, ham. I didn't know it was a thing. (My students always made jokes about "gas station sushi," but I don't think, and hope, that isn't a thing.).

Michael Leddy said...

I hope you’re rolling ’em up, pickle on the inside. Ham = nori.

I too hope that gas-station sushi is a joke. But our Wal-Mart now sells sushi in one of the refrigerated cases — lots of ingredients, and some fish.

Fresca said...

I loved season 1–excited to see season 2 is out—thanks for the alert (on paper too!).
I first had those “sushi” from a small-town grocery near Milwaukee, Wisconsin,
but I’ve bought them up in northern Minnesota too—
they’re delicious.
I can’t remember what they were called in either place, but not sushi.

Michael Leddy said...

Glad you’re liking the show. And the “sushi.” Proceed with caution with the sushi (second) episode.

Pete said...

I’m adding both St. Louis Sushi and Somebody Somewhere to my List.

Michael Leddy said...

Enjoy! As you might already know, Pete, Lockport stands in for Manhattan, Kansas, in the series.