Wednesday, May 25, 2022

“Ten hours to Chicago”

Nella Larsen, Quicksand (1928).

I discovered only this morning that the 1928 Knopf edition of Quicksand is available from Google Books as a free PDF or e-book. Marginal notes here and there — dynamics of authority, paradox — but they disappear not long into the novel.


  1. On the Volunteer, the mule-powered boat on the I&M Canal (no mule, though, as he'd wisely cut himself right where the collar goes), they told a boy that it used to take 24 hours to get from LaSalle to Chicago. 24 hours! He thought they were pulling his leg.

  2. Yikes! I’d be tempted to get out and walk.

  3. That was by horse-drawn coach; some of that was based on road conditions (muddy, rutted, etc.). The canal boat was faster. :)


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