Thursday, May 7, 2020

A daily walk

“One of the few options for escaping the drumbeat of bad news”: New York Times readers on the benefits of a daily walk.


10:00 a.m.: The latest bad news, as I’m about to go for a walk.

comments: 2

Anonymous said...

Yes, let's shelve well-thought out plans because it makes much more sense during this conundrum to wing it!

Believe me, I won't be one of the first in-line to get into any store. The ones that are open now aka grocery stores have a little more experience in dealing with cleaning, customers, etc.

Although one of my favorites in San Diego sent out an email detailing how they will be opening. They specifically mentioned that masks are required (no exceptions), limited hours, maximum number of customers, if you appear to be sick will be asked to leave.

The smart businesses will have a plan not just random thoughts on what they will be doing.


Michael Leddy said...

Our optometrist just sent an e-mail with a plan for reopening. Talk about elaborate — which is exactly as it should be.

I’m glad someone leaked the CDC plans.