Friday, January 19, 2024

“Oh, piffle, you dumb-bells”

Sonie Marburg’s teacher has made her cry and then, in a moment of kindness, allows sick, headachy Sonie to wait in the teachers’ rest-room until she can go home without the other children seeing her.

Jean Stafford, Boston Adventure (1944).

One of my most vivid memories of high school: the cigarette stink that filled the hallway upon every opening of the door to the seen-only-in-glimpses teachers’ lounge.

Also from this novel
A pallet on the floor : “The odors”

[The Beelers: Esther and Ruby, schoolmates.]

comments: 2

Geo-B said...

When I was young, I wondered why so many teachers smoked. I concluded that it was the most convenient excuse to get away from the students for a break, grab a butt in the teachers' lounge.

Michael Leddy said...

And it might have contributed to a sense of community. When I worked in a discount department store while in college, everyone smoked while on break. So I smoked too.