Monday, October 11, 2021

“Employees superannuation”

From The New York Times, the apostrophe, or its absence, in the news:

A missing apostrophe in a Facebook post could cost a real estate agent in Australia tens of thousands of dollars after a court ruled a defamation case against him could proceed.
At issue: the agent’s assertion that his employer doesn’t pay “his employees superannuation.” Says the judge,
“The difficulty for the plaintiff is the use of the word ‘employees’ in the plural. To fail to pay one employee’s superannuation entitlement might be seen as unfortunate; to fail to pay some or all of them looks deliberate.”
Related reading
All OCA apostrophe posts (Pinboard)

[Too bad a Times reporter had to invoke the ill-informed, melodramatic Lynne Truss on the apostrophe.]

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