Thursday, May 30, 2024


From This American Life: “Lists!!!” It’s an especially good episode.

The one thing missing from this episode is the quotidian to-do list: buckle shoe, shut door, pick up sticks, &c. An Atlantic article by Amanda Mull has that covered: “Never underestimate the power of a to-do list.”

Here’s a list my daughter Rachel made (in cursive) at the age of six or seven, of supplies for an imaginary camping trip. And on a different note, a list, found in a used book, that’s puzzled me for years.

Some more OCA posts with lists
Amy Winehouse’s to-do list (“When I do recorddeal”) : John Lennon’s to-do list (“H.B.O. Guy coming between 3–5”) : Johnny Cash’s to-do list (“Kiss June”): Ralph Kramden’s list (“Basically honest when pinned down”) : Review: Liza Kirwin, Lists (A book of artists’ lists)

comments: 4

Fresca said...

“blue crayon” is the best.

Reminds me—the canoe camp where Marz will be working this summer sent counselors a long to-bring list. “Optional items” included books.
Optional? For two months in the woods?
I’d list them as survival supplies.

Michael Leddy said...

Yeah, I think they’re must-haves. As long as there’s light to read by.

Fresca said...

Well, the camp also said flashlight and headlamps are “must haves”
So there’s light to read! 😆❤️

Michael Leddy said...

Let there be light! And all good wishes to Marz.