Sunday, May 12, 2024

Mother’s Day

[“Mother’s Day is the second busiest day of the year for Long Distance calling.” Life, May 12, 1967. Click for a larger view.]

Happy Mother’s Day to all.

comments: 2

Joe DiBiase said...

I suspect that there's a sizable percentage of the population that has no idea what a "long distance call" is. Also, I suspect that there was never such a strain on the circuits on Father's Day.

Query: Why is it Mother's Day and not Mothers' Day?

Michael Leddy said...

I still recall passing the phone from person to person — “It’s long distance.” And getting calls late at night from friends at a distance, after the rates dropped. (Was that 10:00? 11:00?)

Without looking it up — I seem to recall that the person or persons advocating the day preferred the idea of honoring the individual mother. A day for “Mother,” as my dad called his mother.