Tuesday, May 28, 2024

The tells

[Click for a larger view.]

I got this message yesterday and for a moment was out of my skin (after jumping). Then I took the time to read. How many tells can you tell?

CEFCU, whatever it is, is real, and has a page about phishing scams.

comments: 2

Fresca said...

Like a what’s wrong with this picture?
The parentheses, the exclamation mark, missing space, hyphen—
and my favorite, “a few information”

Michael Leddy said...

Yep. I think “activities” is a tell too. And the capital on “Click.” What they’re counting on is that you’ll be so addled that you’ll respond without thinking it through.

I don’t know if it’s coincidental that it was on Memorial Day -- the CEFCU 800-number for inquiring about scams was down for the holiday.