Saturday, September 2, 2023

Today’s Saturday Stumper

Today’s Newsday  Saturday Stumper, by Stella Zawistowski, seems to be available only as a file to print. I thought I’d sail through until I hit the southwest corner. 45-A, four letters, “Thatcher’s undergrad major”? Who knows? Who cares? I had to look it up, which made that corner fall into place.

Some clue-and-answer pairs of note:

3-D, nine letters, “Forms for fun facts.” I saw it right away, but I’d want to add quotation marks for fun.

6-A, nine letters, “Generously spread.” I knew it had to be.

23-A, five letters, “Legal ability.” I was thinking something like SMARTS.

23-D, six letters, “Three-legged duelers.” Pretty far-fetched.

26-A, eleven letters, “They have lots to talk about.” REALESTATEAGENTS doesn’t fit.

34-D, nine letters, “Anticipation.” I can’t recall seeing the answer in a crossword before.

45-D, five letters, “Alternative to <.” From the southwest corner, and just fiendish.

46-D, five letters, “Charming one.” Also southwestern, and tricky, even with the middle letter in place.

56-A, nine letters, “Certain predictive tools.” Happy to have caught on.

59-A, nine letters, “Narrowly confined.” A nice clue.

My favorite in this puzzle: 30-A, six letters, “Send cloudward.”

No spoilers; the answers are in the comments.

comments: 1

Michael Leddy said...


POWER. (As in “of attorney.”) PIANOS.


HEXER. (I thought it had to be VIXEN.)