Friday, July 23, 2021

No no. 2s?

A CNN teaser for a story about shortages affecting back-to-school shopping just made reference to children “stuck with the dreaded no. 1 pencil.” In other words, there’s a shortage of no. 2s — at least supposedly.

Dreaded? I say no. Soft and dark, a no. 1 pencil makes for pleasant writing. And if you’re a kid in school, a no. 1 gives you additional opportunities to get up from your desk and sharpen. All good.

But what multinational retailer sells no. 1 pencils?

Related reading
All OCA pencil posts (Pinboard)

comments: 2

Anonymous said...

After talking to one of the clerks at Walmart today, yes, there will be shortages.

Definitely backpacks - very limited in the back. Paints are all gone. And pencils will be very limited.

Many parents locally were already buying after the July 4th holiday which is when the store started putting school supplies out but some were asking for supplies before the 4th.

I love the back to school stuff and always buy something every year. Best time to load up on office needs as quite a bit of it goes on sale.


ps I bought some #2 pencils!!

Michael Leddy said...

I’ll keep a lookout. My Google Alert for pencils has had nothing about shortages. The CNN story mentioned backpacks but said nothing about pencils.

A cashier at Wal-Mart told me a couple of weeks ago that there’s a candy shortage caused by sugar shortages. (I was buying sugar-free gum.)