Saturday, July 3, 2021


[Peanuts, July 6, 1974. Click for a larger view.]

Yesterday’s Peanuts is today’s Peanuts.

Lucy’s dilemma reminds me of the great discussions of prefixes in two recent episodes of A Word in Your Ear1, 2. A Word in Your Ear is a podcast from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, hosted by Katherine Feeney and Roly Sussex.

comments: 2

Fresca said...

Funny! I'm going to try to remember to use this.

This reminds me, for the first time I encountered the word "ruth", meaning "pity/care". Why do we only use "ruthless"?
(It was in Wuthering Heights---a character has ruth for others.)

Michael Leddy said...

“Disobvious” must share some language DNA with “unpossible,” don’t you think?

I wonder when “ruth” fell out of use. It makes me think of “disheveled,” though there never was a “sheveled.”