Tuesday, April 20, 2021

On all three counts

Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. Derek Chauvin has been found guilty on all three counts.

[Our household, too, just rose for the jury as they left the courtroom.]

comments: 7

Zhoen said...

A good first step. The people who we allow to uphold peace and order need to be held to a higher standard, not a lower one. They can never be above the law. They should be the safest people in our society, not the most dangerous.

Nevertheless, one groundbreaking brick on the path to justice.

Michael Leddy said...

Yes, it’s a step. Not justice, as Keith Ellison said (because there’s no reparation), but at least accountability.

Fresca said...

Thank god, thank god!
It's a huge step.
The list of "American police officers convicted of murder" is miniscule.

Michael Leddy said...

I’m relieved for your city. And horrifed to see that a police officer shot and killed a fifteen- or sixteen-year-old in Columbus, Ohio, not long before the verdict was announced.

Michael Leddy said...

Correction: Keith Ellison said “restoration,” not “reparation.”

Elaine said...

We would have stood up, but we were already standing ...in front of the small television, withour hands tightly clasped into prayerful, hopeful knots....

Michael Leddy said...

I think many people will remember where they were and “how” they were when they heard the verdict. It was snowing here, so we had a strange combination of quiet and stillness outside and nerve-racking waiting inside.