Sunday, August 9, 2009

Mad Men yourself

You too can do the bidding of our retro overlords by turning yourself into a Mad Men person.

This image is a compromise: the beard color’s a tad optimistic, but hairwise, things look better than they do here.

Other Mad Men posts
Frank O'Hara and Mad Men
Frank O'Hara and Mad Men again
Mad Men and Frank O'Hara (not again)
Poetry and difficulty
Violet candy and Mad Men

[I didn’t say much better.]

Update: Elaine is now a Mad Woman.


  1. your daughter RachelAugust 09, 2009 11:46 AM

    I saw this picture last night, but now it's not loading...?

  2. Hi kiddo. I messed up, but it’s there now.

  3. It looks so much like you!

  4. Yup. It's you.

  5. Both y'alls daughter rachelAugust 09, 2009 1:50 PM

    Yes, Mom, I saw yours too! You both done good.

    I've made 3 attempts at "Mad Menning" myself, but nothing looks quite right.

  6. Oh well. Maybe we can have a family gallery.


Play fair. Keep it clean. No potshots and no derailing. Thanks.

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