Friday, December 27, 2024

Drag and drop, broken in Sequoia

What was I doing wrong? I couldn’t drag a file to a folder. I couldn’t drag an image into an app.

I tried restarting — no soap, and looked around online. The problem is in macOS 15, and I find it almost unbelievable that Apple could release new system software with such a glaring problem. Hardly an intelligent move. (Ahem.)

A temporary fix, from the developer of Yoink and other apps: open the Activity Monitor, choose CPU or Memory, and quit the process ScopedBookmarkAgent. I’m not sure how long that fix will work, but it’s working for me now.


And still working, even though ScopedBookmarkAgent is up and running again.

comments: 2

Anonymous said...

I love idioms; they add a bit of flavor to any writing. I consider “no soap” an old-school idiom, one that I rarely see in contemporary writing. I’m interested in how some idioms came to be. Several sources gave possible origins for “no soap” but none were definitive.

Michael Leddy said...

I know, or think I know, that “No soap, radio” was the punchline to a joke that made no sense (to see if the listener would laugh). But I see a large DO NOT ENTER sign in front of that rabbit hole. :)