Thursday, December 1, 2022


Slate has a bit of clickbait. If you must follow through, it’s here: “The New Wordle Editor Is Ruining Wordle.” Therein, Lizzie O’Leary contends that Wordle is being ruined with puns: MEDAL on Veterans Day, DRIVE on the day before Thanksgiving, FEAST on Thanksgiving itself. “No more puns,” she asks.

But O’Leary is WRONG (another five-letter word). Those are not puns. They’re not even wordplay. They are, let’s say, topical references, or topical answers.

On Thanksgiving, I deliberately guessed BEAST, solving in four or five instead of three or four because I thought that FEAST was too obvious an answer. I, too, was WRONG, or RIGHT.

comments: 4

Joe DiBiase said...

Perhaps I'm a contrarian, but I somewhat like the topical references. It gives me a slightly better chance to find the solution with one guess (an achievement I've yet to attain).

Michael Leddy said...

I don’t really mind — it happens with crosswords too. But I did think they were trying to trick us up with FEAST.

Matthew Schmeer said...

Yesterday, the word was STUDY, topical for those of us beginning final exam season once again. . .

Michael Leddy said...

You know, I wondered about that. And I thought, eh, it’s a week or more away, and it’s now the middle of this week, not the start of an exam week. But now I think you’re right that the answer is meant to be timely.